
This is my personal blog. The opinions expressed here are my own and not those of my employer or of anyone else.

This blog is made available for information/educational purposes only. My goal is to share general information and a general understanding of security, privacy and the law. Not to provide specific legal, security or privacy advice.

Any information, techniques, software or hardware discussed in this blog should be researched, tested and validated prior to use. There are topics such as Information Security, Privacy, Computer Law, Penetration Testing and Computer Forensics that are presented in this blog is not a substitute for any specialized training that may be required in order to perform tasks in those fields.

Discussion of content, goods or services provided by outside entities does not imply endorsement. Any product or training discussed in this blog should not be considered as an offer or solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any specific products or training.

This blog should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from an attorney licensed to practice law in your state.